Monday, March 9, 2009

Foreign Movies through Hollywood's lens

Take a second to think about the movies that you have seen recently. How many of these would fall under the categories or ‘Foreign’ or Independent films? Please keep in mind that films like Valkyrie and Slumdog Millionaire don’t count. You might wonder why I don’t include these films in such categories – the answer becomes clear when you think of who the producers are.
Even if the film is shot on location in a foreign land and extensive research has been done into the lifestyle and culture of the country, it still does not change the fact that it is being told through the perspective of an outsider.
Slumdog Millionaire is based in India. During the introductory shots they show nothing but poverty, filthy markets and corrupt government. This is where it may be argued that this is actually a very accurate description of the living conditions in that area. This may very well be the case; however how accurate can a representation be through the eyes of a director who has a particular incentive in making the film? His/her views are biased.
Often times Hollywood producers will take up a movie such as Slumdog Millionaire to get publicity and make the world aware of the inequalities present in foreign countries, in hopes that people will offer to help and change will take place.
Although this is very noble, it often creates animosity between the two lands. Many people in India objected to the way their country was represented, and I completely understand why they are so upset. Even if everything in the movie turned out to be true, it is extremely insulting to have an outsider come in to your country and expose you for all of your faults. If movie producers in India wished to do so, they could make a movie that would put Americans in a very unflattering light.
What Hollywood tends to forget is that they have similar issues in their own country. Maybe they should use their powers of publicity to battle the poverty, racism, gender inequalities and corrupt government in their own backyard before they go around exposing foreign countries for the same problems.

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