Monday, March 23, 2009


After typing suicide into Google search engine, I was surprised to find that most of the matches on the first page were supporting suicide prevention. This is only a minor comfort of course, because should you be seeking the alternative pro-suicide web pages they are most certainly common and available just by modifying the search to ‘how to’.
It is also interesting to look at how they market these websites. The prevention websites have tag lines pleading to the person behind the computer screen to read their information and get help before taking any action. The web pages in support of suicide, such as speak about it as if it is comparable to making a purchase. In this description they are approaching the topic from the viewpoint of human rights, while at the same time, making it seem like the decision is as easy as making a list of pro’s and con’s and choosing your fate accordingly. - A decision-making site for those contemplating suicide Will you live, or will you die ?, Assistance for those facing the ultimate decision, The right to commit suicide, and other contemplations.

I do not think that these sites can be blamed for anyone’s decisions but I do question why they exist. There is a difference between being informed and being influenced, and I feel that most people who would be looking at these sites are in a compromised state of mind, and therefore might be easily influenced by the information that they receive while viewing them.

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